Art and Your Health

This is a continuation of my series Stress and Your Health, based on information learned from a Brene Brown Podcast with guests Dr. Emily Nagoski and Dr. Amelia Nagoski, authors of Burnout. They discuss several evidence-based techniques for unlocking the stress cycle in order to prevent burnout and illness. Today I want to highlight my favorite technique: creativity and art.

I can almost hear you say “but I can’t draw a stick figure” or “I don’t have a creative bone in my body.” Yes, you do. It will benefit your health to find it. I’ve had different creative outlets throughout my life. Theater, singing, piano, and interior design are examples of creative outlets I’ve spent untold hours on in my life. My more recent creative outlet is gardening.  In my tiny garden and greenhouse, I’m currently growing kale, broccoli, turnips, sugar snap peas, black-eyed Susans, zinnias, and tomatoes. I might spend 5-15 minutes a day on it, but the instant I walk toward my garden, I relax. I don’t have a green thumb, but it doesn’t matter.  Find your creative outlet. Don’t worry about perfection, or even being good at it. Unlock that stress cycle, prevent illness, and get creative!

If you or someone you know stutters and you’d like to learn more about my online speech therapy services, contact me at


Stress and Your Health